ActionBUSINESS Networking
Educational Night
How To Use Time to YOUR advantage
You can expect to learn:
Self Mastery (More with less of YOUR time)
Planning Mastery ( Know Where YOUR Going )
Delegation Master ( Divide To Multiply )
Includes Buffet Dinner
Price $199 $99.00 including dinner.
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How To Use Time to YOUR advantage
Meet Master Business Coach and Presenter Darrick Boyes
What is keeping your business from peak performance?
Added bonus: Download the time template and get started on YOUR self mastery today!
Use YOUR time to your advantage and get more with less of it.
Any NPS score above 0 is "good". It means that your audience is more loyal than not. Anything above 20 is considered "favorable". Bain & Co, the source of the NPS system, suggests that above 50 is excellent, and above 80 is world class.
ActionCOACH is currently coaching over 18000 Businesses each week and ranked as the #1 Business Coaching firm in the world. Helping SUCCESS ORIENTATED business owners for over 25 years.
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Coquitlam | Kamloops
11 Ways to Double Your Customer Base in 4 Weeks: