is to become the largest business growth community in the world, inspiring entrepreneurs and business owners to reach their full potential through a culture of continuous improvement and a belief in everyone. We recognize that growth and success are not one-time events but instead the result of daily, incremental progress guided by the principles of kaizen - the constant pursuit of improvement. Our community is founded on the belief that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness, and we are committed to empowering our members to reach unprecedented levels of growth and impact. By creating a supportive and collaborative environment that promotes inclusivity and celebrates diversity, we inspire personal and professional transformation at a global scale.

In Membership WE Replicate results. Not work.

Membership in the Avid ActionCOACH Business Growth Community is a unique opportunity for business owners to gain valuable insights and support as they grow their businesses. This community is made up of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to helping one another achieve success.

One of the key benefits of membership is the focus it provides. As a member, you will have access to valuable education and resources that will help you stay on track and keep your business moving in the right direction. This includes access to cutting-edge strategies and systems for building a successful business, as well as the ability to track KPIs and other key measurements to ensure you are making progress.

In addition, membership in the Avid Action Coach Business Coaching Community provides accountability. You will be able to work with a dedicated coach who will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals. This accountability can be incredibly helpful in keeping you motivated and focused on your priorities.

Another benefit of membership is peer-to-peer encouragement and support. You will be part of a community of business owners who are all working towards the same goals. This can be an incredibly powerful source of motivation and inspiration, and it can help you stay committed to your goals even when the going gets tough.

Finally, one of the main goals of membership in the Avid Action Coach Business Coaching Community is to help you build a business that runs without you. This means developing systems and processes that can be maintained by your team, allowing you to step back and focus on strategic planning and growth. Overall, membership in the Avid Action Coach Business Coaching Community is an invaluable resource for business owners. It provides focus, education, accountability, and peer support, all of which are essential for building a successful business. If you are interested in learning more about membership, contact us today to see how we can help you achieve your goals.

Why do extra work when you could be growing your business?

Through our tested process, we’ll help you find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end.


This is not a templated approach. We know every single business is unique. We’ll work with you to explore, research and understand your business. Together we can align YOUR business to give you exactly what you intended to get out of it. Shooting in multiple locations for success will end here. You are guaranteed to gain clarity on what you need to focus on to get you the results you need for success.


We have proven business education developed by thousands of business coaches and consultants from around the world. Darrick is the Senior Partner with ActionCOACH Global the #1 business coaching and consulting firm in the world. We guarantee you up to date information and education. We promise to learn and grow everyday so you can learn and grow with us. Education designed by business owners for business owners like you. Education delivered by world renowned entrepreneur and #1 Business Coach in the world Brad Sugars! Join our Elite Membership and gain access to him in person.


Business owners like you have amazing ideas that often never get implemented or even explored. Working with Darrick you can assure to have all your skills, ideas and innovations explored and implemented to be sure you achieve what you set out to achieve. Together you will build a customized plan for YOU and the business you intend to build to levels you may never have expected.

Systems and Technology

Learnings, usage and analytics will tell us how to best optimize to continuously reach your customers and maximize your growth potential. With our proprietary systems, technologies and methodologies rest assured we offer massive leverage in time here. Skip the learning curve and get to work implementing proven, resulted driven systems and technology. Systems save YOU time, energy and money.

Tracking, Reporting, & Growing

Your business is an ever-evolving thing. Through tracking and reporting, we’ll continuously be your partner to make sure you continue to grow. Gain access to our proprietary online business planning and coaching software to access YOUR plan and reports anytime.

"A goal is a dream with a deadline"

You may be in business for yourself, but with membership you are not by yourself.



Hundreds of business owners in BC alone, and thousands around the world. You're in business for yourself but not by yourself.



Weekly, monthly and quarterly accountability and strategy sessions. Make a plan and actually do it!



You made the plan, you set smart goals, take massive action, and test your results. You are now guaranteed growth!



We guarantee you a business re-education. World class training and systems to improve your life and business.



Membership is a unique pairing of a peer partner program accountability, group coaching, monthly business education, & for those who are Elite, a monthly ActionBOARD of directors moving your business forward. This is more than just peer accountability, this is an opportunity to 30X Your Life & Your Business!

Are you ready to set your business on the ultimate track to success? If so, then ActionCLUB is for you.

In just 7 sessions, you'll have the tools and strategies you'll need to guide your business to higher profits and greater levels of success. You'll get an edge over the competition. And you'll discover what thousands of other business owners already know about the impact ActionCLUB has had on their companies.

GrowthCLUB is a once a quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun. With one day planning sessions every quarter along with monthly meetings to help you stay on course ...

In GrowthCLUB, you are trained on strategies that will help you master your time, be clear on your priorities and equip you with the mindset and tools you need to achieve your goals.

Our business coaching programs allow you to work directly with an ActionCOACH Business Coach to achieve lasting results in your business. We know we can help grow any business … the real question is, are you ready to grow, change, and learn to do the work?

We’re highly selective of the business owners we accept for our coaching … and as a result, when you qualify for this program, we guarantee the results.